Lynn Range | Luxury Real Estate


Lynn Range - February 13, 2020

Pilates is for everyone.  Young or not so; male,female; in shape or not so.

It's a great way to gain muscular and core strength, achieve more flexibility, to improve balance and enhance your overall well-being.

The success of Pilates comes from teaching you how to use your smaller, more intrinsic muscles (including inner thighs, lower abs and hamstrings) to support your larger muscle groups (quads, glutes).  Working against your own body weight on equipment that uses springs, you develop strength and flexibility without the danger of trying to "lift too much."

Doing Pilates will give you an awareness and strength that carries over into everyday movement whether you are lifting your child, swinging a golf club, sitting in front of your computer, or running on the beach.  It gives you controlled, directed strength. Pilates teaches you to be aware of your movement and change it in ways that make you feel better, move better and look better.  Pilates is for everyone no matter what your age, gender or fitness level.

Gained from a career as a professional dancer, I bring to my clients knowledge of human mechanics and movement. I work with you one on one to guide you through each Pilates exercise, helping you to develop a mind/body connection; helping you to achieve your best effort.

I teach locally at the Pilates Institute of Southern California (1026 Manhattan Beach Blvd.), where I was certified in 2008. I emphasize a friendly, relaxed and supportive atmosphere in which you always succeed.  

Pilates is an energizing, fulfilling experience that lets you see and feel a real difference from the beginning.

Your first lesson is complimentary!  Reach me, Robin Gary,  at 424-241-8073 to schedule.

Try it….you’ll like it!!

Work With Lynn

The business of real estate is more than just business to Lynn Range, it is a passion project as she offers her clients a mix of local intelligence, industry knowledge, and transactional expertise.

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