Lynn Range | Luxury Real Estate

Quick Spring Cleaning Tips

Lynn Range - February 13, 2020

Need a quick pick me up for your home? Here are three quick spring cleaning tips that will leave your home feeling refreshed!

Reorganize bookshelves ~ Sort books by size and subject. Remove and discard any ripped dust jackets (unless you think they might have value). Line books, some vertically, some horizontally, in a rhythmic pattern. This will relieve the monotony of rows.

Soothe the senses ~ Spring is not only a colorful season, but a fragrant one, too. Bring the aroma indoors! Scents have a great effect on our mood!

Floral tip ~ Purchase an inexpensive bouquet of flowers. Split flowers up by color, and place each bunch in small vases around your home.

Lose the magnets~ In just minutes, you can tidy up a kitchen by getting rid of the scraps of paper, business cards and take-out menus stuck to the fridge. If you have odds and ends everywhere, it looks messy!

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The business of real estate is more than just business to Lynn Range, it is a passion project as she offers her clients a mix of local intelligence, industry knowledge, and transactional expertise.

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